Not all conflicts, disputes and misunderstandings should result in court proceedings and decisions, diplomatic fall-outs, or war. In fact, most should be settled peacefully. Our program offers hands-on experience and practical knowledge which is at the centre of providing win-win situations. The program lays a strong foundation for Mediation – traced from the causes of conflict; the role and importance of communication in minimizing the incidence of conflict and managing conflict when it arises; managing disputing parties; preparation for mediation; practical exercises in mediation; drafting mediation agreements; billing for mediation; role of the mediators and the Court in the mediation process.

Conflict Management
o Understanding Conflict
o Conflict path
o Appropriate ways to manage conflict
o Personal ways of managing conflict
o Approaches used to manage conflict/ADR
Conflict Resolution & Managing Difficult Situations In Mediation
o Dealing with emotions
o Dealing with anger
o Dealing with threats
o Dealing with deadlock
o Dealing with power imbalances
o Styles and benefits of mediation
o Ethics and Legal issues
o Code of conduct and ethical behaviour of mediators
o Assertive communication
o Active listening
o Non verbal communication
o Paraphrasing and reframing
o Questioning skills
Mediation Processes
o Preparing for mediation
o Mediation meeting
o Roles of parties
o Attributes of a skilled mediator
o Negotiation skills
o Handling difficult situations
o Managing Diversity, Perceptions, Stereotypes, and Prejudice
Reaching Settlement
o Settlement agreement
o Mediation agreement