The main functions of tax administration in dealing with taxpayers, aside from actual tax collection or sanctioning non-compliance, largely involve gathering or processing information. This training is designed to provide junior, mid-level and senior tax officials with international standard personal leadership and management skills, develops strategic vision and provides a comprehensive coverage of the latest worldwide tax administration trends. It will equip tax policy makers and administrators with the knowledge and administrative techniques to modernize their tax systems.
•Introduction to Revenue and Tax
•Taxation and National Development
•Review of Income Tax Returns
•IT in Tax Administration
•Cyber Taxation
•Legal Issues on E-Taxation
•Revenue and Tax Systems Audit
•Case Management and Evidence Handling
•Money Laundering
•Drafting of Tax Law
•Interpretation of Tax Law
•Minerals and Petroleum Tax Issues
•International Taxation
•Adjudication of Tax Disputes
•Case Studies and Practical Exercises |