The logic of Cyber-Law and Cyber-Crime Management is of internet security in the contemporary world. We provide training on these issues combining legal, technical, and decision-making perspectives. We provide comprehensive, transferable, and inexpensive cyber-law and cyber-crime training to individuals, organizations and governments. Trainees leave the course equipped with skills in researching, drafting, and legislating cyber laws; planning and developing solutions to cyber security threats; awareness about the intricacies of the internet; and useful knowledge and skills about combating cybercrime and internet fraud. Those who need the technical, legal, operational, decision-making, and other relevant skills to govern the cyber space through legislation, investigation, prosecution, adjudication and sanctioning need not worry anymore! Read more here
• Networking and Information Security Concepts
• Cyber-Security Threats and Vulnerabilities
• Cyber-Security Management Practices
• Internet Access: Issues of Control and Intrusion Detection
• Technicalities of Server Management and Firewalls
• Multimedia and contemporary security practices
• Systems and Applications Security
• Cyber-Security Laws and Standards: The Challenge of Internet Governance
• Developing cyber-crime management practices
• Cybercrime legislation processes and considerations
• Domesticating international law in domestic cyber legislations
• Implementing cyber-laws and international “rules of the game”
• Cybercrime management issues of human rights, privacy, and general security
• Sophisticated cyber-criminalities: cyber-terrorism, cyber-warfare, and sabotage
• Practical lessons, experiences and examples
The cyber space is one of the most ungoverned spaces in the universe. Cybercrime – crime committed using computers and other electronic devices through the internet – is on the increase. Criminals are exploiting the internet, and NetCrime is becoming increasingly more common than even petty theft in some societies. While the criminal motives may differ depending on the intention of the internet/cyber-criminal - harming the victims’ reputation, causing physical harm, disturbing the mental faculties of the individual, direct or indirect harm – the use of modern telecommunication networks, mainly the Internet, is taking its own course.
Through chat rooms, emails, notice boards, and online social groups, and mobile phone messages, and related services are being used. However, cybercrime is not limited to simple crime. It has expanded to global threats, like cyber terrorism, cyber warfare, and cyber sabotage that include hackings and intrusions in others’ cyber-spaces, such as websites, emails, storage spaces and more. Individuals, families, organisations, governments and international agencies need cyber-security skills and best practices.
Despite this growing threat, individuals’, organisations’, and governments’ ability to counter these threats remains dismal. Most governments lack relevant laws governing the use of the internet. Efforts of the Internet Governance Forum remain scattered and uncoordinated. Cyber law remains a difficult undertaking both through legislation, crime investigation, prosecution, and adjudication. The reason is simple: most people lack the legal and technical skills to respond to cybercrime – yet criminals exploit this gap on a second-by-second basis – to complicate human life.
To fill this gap, Inspire International’s program is intended to provide comprehensive, transferable, and inexpensive cyber law and cyber-crime training to individuals, organizations and governments throughout the world. Trainees can be individuals in need of cyber law skills, cyber security, and awareness about the intricacies of the internet, officials of organizations in need of skills for protecting their privacy, information, resources and personnel, and government officials who need the technical, legal and other relevant skills to govern the cyber space through legislation, investigation, prosecution, adjudication and sanctioning.
Government officials in public safety, law enforcement, local government, criminal investigation, cabinet offices, ministries of justice, ministries of information technologies, public utilities, regulatory agencies, banks and other financial institutions, universities and other institutions of learning, and health care providers need this training. Inspire International is unique in that our course/program covers a wide range of areas in Cyber Law and Cyber-Crime Management.